Cleansing and restoration of the liver
The liver is an extremely important and important organ that has numerous functions. If it works less well, toxins accumulate that open the door to the development of numerous diseases. Alcohol, viruses, toxins, carbonated drinks and others are some of the factors that severely damage the liver. Diet is very important for liver damage and it is advised to avoid milk and dairy products. A big problem is the accumulation of fat in the liver because it creates a fatty liver that promotes the development of type II diabetes and the tendency to gain weight in the abdomen. There are various means for restoring the liver, but if they are taken orally, they have a limited and insufficient effect on the restoration of the liver. Every day we inhale and introduce numerous toxins into the body that damage the liver because the liver is the main organ to neutralize toxins. To preserve the health of the liver, occasional treatments for liver regeneration are advised, and not only when a health problem occurs. Unfortunately, modern medicine has very limited possibilities for liver restoration. Infusions, laser blood purification, ozone therapy, blood purification with UV rays, blood growth factors, exosomes, regenerative cells (stem cells) and several other treatments are used for liver regeneration. Based on the type of damage and the cause of the liver, a further treatment plan and program are determined. Viral infection should be ruled out, i.e. hepatitis, which should be brought under control. A big problem with liver damage or disease is that when symptoms appear, it is unfortunately too late because the liver has been severely damaged.
Candidates are all those who have or have experienced any of the following: - fatty liver - all types of liver damage regardless of the cause: toxins, drugs, viruses,... - after hepatitis, infectious mononucleosis - alcoholism - cirrhosis - every man after 35 years of life who has a preventive treatment of liver regeneration - diabetes type II - insulin resistance
We advise you to bring medical documentation and do additional tests related to the condition of the liver, markers of hepatitis and viruses.
After determining the type and cause of the damage, treatments are started. For the best possible success, combinations of treatments are done. We advise evaluating the condition of the liver before treatment to see what condition it is in. If necessary, additional laboratory tests.
Shortly after the treatment, there is a reduction in fatigue, exhaustion, no weight under the rib cage, less tension, improvement in sugar level regulation, smaller belly, and increased energy. These are some of the most common comments. Further improvements can be expected over the coming months.
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