Revision rhinoplasty


Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct or improve the results of a previous rhinoplasty. This procedure may involve addressing aesthetic imperfections or functional issues that remain after the initial nose surgery.


Candidates for revision rhinoplasty are individuals who have previously undergone nose surgery but are dissatisfied with the results or have functional issues as a result of the initial procedure. These patients aim to correct deficiencies or complications from the previous rhinoplasty.


Before revision rhinoplasty, patients will consult with a surgeon to understand the goals of the procedure, expected results, and potential risks and complications. Preparation for treatment may involve examinations, testing, discussions about expectations, and instructions to discontinue certain medications before the surgery.


During revision rhinoplasty, the surgeon will access the previously operated area of the nose to correct any previous imperfections or complications. Depending on specific issues, the procedure may involve repairing cartilage, bone structures, or other elements of the nose.


The goal of revision rhinoplasty is to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose and/or restore nasal function after the previous surgery. Improvements are expected to meet the patient's desires and needs.


After the procedure, it is important to carefully follow the physician's instructions regarding recovery, wound care, and gradual return to normal activities. Regular check-ups and monitoring of the recovery process are also crucial to ensure successful rehabilitation and minimize the risks of complications.


What is revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure performed to correct or enhance the results of a previous rhinoplasty that may not have achieved the desired aesthetic or functional outcome.

Why might someone need revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty might be needed if the initial rhinoplasty resulted in unsatisfactory cosmetic outcomes, functional issues (breathing problems), or structural complications that require correction.

When is it appropriate to consider revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty is typically considered after the initial healing process from the primary rhinoplasty is complete, which can take several months. It's important to give the tissues enough time to heal before considering additional surgery.

Is revision rhinoplasty more complex than the initial procedure?

Yes, revision rhinoplasty can be more complex due to scar tissue, altered anatomy, and potential changes made during the first surgery. A skilled and experienced surgeon is essential for achieving successful outcomes.

Can any surgeon perform revision rhinoplasty?

Revision rhinoplasty requires a high level of expertise and experience. It's crucial to choose a surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty and has a track record of successful revision procedures.

What challenges can arise during revision rhinoplasty?

Challenges can include scar tissue, weakened nasal structures, asymmetry, and limited availability of donor tissue (if grafting is needed). The surgeon must address these issues while striving for a natural and harmonious result.

What can patients expect during recovery from revision rhinoplasty?

Recovery from revision rhinoplasty is similar to primary rhinoplasty, involving swelling, bruising, and some discomfort. It's essential to follow post-operative instructions carefully and be patient with the healing process.

Are the results of revision rhinoplasty permanent?

Like any surgery, results can evolve over time due to natural aging and healing processes. However, skilled surgical techniques can lead to long-lasting and improved outcomes.

How do I find a qualified surgeon for revision rhinoplasty?

Research is critical. Look for surgeons who specialize in rhinoplasty, have extensive experience, and can provide before-and-after photos of successful revision cases. Consultations will also help you gauge the surgeon's expertise.

Can revision rhinoplasty address both cosmetic and functional issues?

Yes, revision rhinoplasty can address both aesthetic concerns and functional issues like breathing difficulties. Many patients seek revision surgery to correct not only cosmetic dissatisfaction but also improve their overall nasal function.

Before & After


Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator