Laser tattoo removal

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Laser tattoo removal is a procedure used to permanently eliminate tattoos from the skin. This treatment employs laser technology to break down the tattoo pigment, allowing the body to naturally remove the pigment.


Candidates for laser tattoo removal are typically individuals who want to remove existing tattoos for personal or aesthetic reasons. Moreover, individuals in good overall health are often suitable candidates. Tattoos of different colors and sizes can be treated with lasers, although darker tattoos usually respond better to the procedure.


Preparation for the treatment involves a consultation with a physician or a tattoo removal specialist. During the consultation, the specialist will assess the tattoo, the skin, and select the appropriate laser for the treatment. Patients should also avoid exposing the tattoo to sunlight and adhere to the doctor's instructions.


The actual laser tattoo removal treatment involves the use of a laser that emits short, intense pulses of light directed at the tattoo. The laser breaks down the tattoo pigment into tiny particles that the body can absorb and naturally eliminate. Treatments are typically performed in a series, with several weeks between each session.


Results of laser tattoo removal become visible over time as the skin rejuvenates and the pigment gradually fades. Multiple treatments are required to achieve complete removal, and results may vary depending on the color and age of the tattoo.


After the treatment, patients should follow the doctor's instructions for skincare, including avoiding sunlight exposure to the treated area. Precautions involve reducing the risk of infection and scarring and maintaining clean, hydrated skin during the healing process. It's important to consult with a qualified professional to obtain all the information about the treatment and determine if you are a suitable candidate.


Will the tattoo disappear completely with laser treatment?

Just like every person, every tattoo is different. There is no treatment that can 100% guarantee success or give an exact time for the tattoo to disappear. However, our Polyclinic uses the most advanced technology available in order to achieve the highest percentage of success in removal.

How many treatments will I need?

More treatments are often needed (in our offer you can find a package of 6+2 treatments for FREE), even for the removal of small tattoos, because they are found in different layers in the skin. Black ink is easily broken down by the laser, while unprofessional home-made tattoos are the easiest to remove, primarily due to the use of poor-quality ink, as well as ineffective tattooing techniques.

Does the removal treatment hurt?

During the treatment, there is a strong sensation of heat and burning, but in order to provide you with the most pleasant experience and a sense of satisfaction, in our rich offer you can find the top device Zimmer Cryo 6 for cooling the skin during laser treatments. Unlike other cooling methods, such as contact cooling, cryogen spray and ice packs, this device cools the epidermal layer of the skin before, during and after the treatment itself without coming into contact with the laser beam.

Should the tattoo be removed before summer and exposure to the sun?

After the treatment, it is necessary to avoid the sun for at least one month and use protective creams with SPF 50+. The ideal time for laser treatments is the winter period.

Is it possible to fade the tattoo and put a new one over it?

It is possible to fade the existing tattoo and put a new one over it after the treatment.

What is laser tattoo removal?

Laser tattoo removal is a procedure that uses laser technology to break down the ink particles in a tattoo, allowing the body to gradually eliminate the tattoo pigment.

How does laser tattoo removal work?

During the procedure, the laser emits a high-intensity light beam that passes through the skin and targets the tattoo ink. The laser energy breaks down the ink into tiny fragments, which are then naturally cleared away by the body's immune system.

How many laser tattoo removal sessions are needed?

The number of sessions required depends on various factors, including the size, colour, and location of the tattoo, as well as the individual's skin type and response to the treatment. On average, several sessions spaced several weeks apart are needed to achieve optimal results.

Are there any side effects or risks associated with laser tattoo removal?

While laser tattoo removal is generally safe, some potential side effects may include temporary skin irritation, redness, swelling, blistering, or changes in skin pigmentation. Rarely, scarring or infection can occur. It's important to consult with a qualified professional to minimize the risks.

Can laser tattoo removal completely remove a tattoo?

Laser tattoo removal can significantly fade or remove a tattoo, but complete removal may not always be possible. The outcome depends on various factors, including the tattoo's size, color, depth, and the individual's skin response.

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Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator