Prevention of hair loss with exosome treatment

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Regenerative treatments are the future of treatments for hair growth and renewal. They represent a non-surgical alternative to hair transplantation. The key cause of hair loss is the deterioration of the hair roots. Exosomes are molecules that every cell has and have an extremely strong effect on hair root renewal, which is the reason for the effectiveness of the treatment. Only a healthy root gives a healthy coat. Treatment with exosomes stimulates hair growth and renewal and is the first effective hair rejuvenation treatment. At the same time, the scalp is soothed and has an extremely good effect on seborrheic dermatitis and psoriasis.

After the treatment, the hair improves significantly and does not break and is not dry. Exosomes suppress and reduce grey hairs. Hair darkens after the treatment due to the rejuvenating effect. The treatment is ideally combined with hair transplantation before the procedure to restore the roots of the hair, resulting in significantly better results, and after the procedure, because in this way the number of lost hairs is reduced. Exosomes restore hair roots regardless of the cause of hair damage. The treatment is extremely effective for hair loss during menopause, after childbirth and as a result of post-covid. The limitation of hair transplantation is that there is a loss of existing hair, and the exosome treatment preserves the existing hair with additional stimulation of new hair growth and preserves the transplanted hair. After treatment with exosomes, it is not necessary to apply or take anything after the hair transplant to preserve the transplanted hair.


Candidates are all those with hair loss, regardless of age and gender.


No preparation is required before the treatment.


First, an examination of the scalp is performed and an informative interview is held with the doctor, who explains in detail all the details of the treatment itself. Before the treatment, the condition of the scalp is photographed. Local anesthesia is given using the smallest injection that does not hurt. After anesthesia, exosomes are injected using the smallest injection throughout the scalp. It is ideal to do 3 treatments with an interval of 30 days.


The first results can be seen after 30 days and are getting better in the following months. It is not possible to predict the results because the result depends on many factors, such as the cause of the hair loss, the duration of the hair loss, etc. Treatment with exosomes can be compared to the results of hair transplantation. Unlike PRP treatment, the results are permanent. If desired, one maintenance treatment per year can be done for a better result.


What is exosome treatment for hair loss prevention?

Exosome treatment is a regenerative therapy that utilizes exosomes, extracellular vesicles derived from stem cells, to promote hair growth and prevent hair loss.

How does exosome treatment work for preventing hair loss?

Exosomes contain growth factors, proteins, and signaling molecules that can stimulate hair follicles, improve circulation, and promote a healthy scalp environment, thereby reducing hair loss and encouraging hair growth.

Who is a good candidate for exosome treatment for hair loss prevention?

Exosome treatment can be beneficial for individuals experiencing mild to moderate hair loss or thinning. It is suitable for both men and women who have healthy hair follicles capable of responding to the regenerative effects of exosomes.

Is exosome treatment safe for preventing hair loss?

Exosome treatment is considered safe as it utilizes natural cell-derived components. Since exosomes are derived from a person's own cells or from donated cells, the risk of adverse reactions or rejection is minimal.

How many sessions of exosome treatment are needed for hair loss prevention?

The number of exosome treatment sessions can vary depending on the individual's needs and the extent of hair loss. Typically, multiple sessions are recommended to achieve optimal results, and the treatment intervals are determined by the healthcare provider.

Are there any side effects associated with exosome treatment for hair loss prevention?

Exosome treatment is generally well-tolerated with minimal side effects. Some individuals may experience mild redness or temporary discomfort at the injection sites, which usually resolves quickly.

When can I expect to see results from exosome treatment for hair loss prevention?

Results from exosome treatment can vary between individuals, but most patients start noticing improvements in hair quality and thickness within a few months of the initial treatment. Continued improvement may occur over time with subsequent sessions.

Can exosome treatment be combined with other hair loss treatments?

Exosome treatment can be combined with other hair loss treatments, such as topical medications or low-level laser therapy, to enhance the overall results. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the most suitable combination for individual needs.

Are the results of exosome treatment for hair loss prevention permanent?

Are the results of exosome treatment for hair loss prevention permanent? Answer: Exosome treatment can promote long-term hair growth and reduce hair loss, but individual results may vary. Maintenance sessions may be recommended to sustain the benefits and address any future hair loss concerns.

Are there any age restrictions for undergoing exosome treatment for hair loss prevention?

There are no strict age restrictions for exosome treatment. However, it is important for individuals to have a stable and mature hair growth pattern before considering the treatment. A thorough consultation with a healthcare provider can determine the suitability of the treatment based on individual circumstances.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator