Lip correction


Surgical lip correction is an invasive procedure used to shape or enhance the lips to achieve a desired aesthetic appearance. This procedure can involve various techniques, such as surgeries to reduce or increase lip size, correct asymmetry, or alter lip shape to achieve specific aesthetic goals.


Candidates for surgical lip correction are typically individuals who have specific aesthetic concerns or are dissatisfied with the natural shape or size of their lips.


Before the surgical procedure, patients will consult with a surgeon for a detailed assessment of goals, expectations, and potential risks or complications.


The surgical procedure itself can involve various techniques, depending on the specific needs of the patient, such as lip lift procedures, liposuction of the lips, or other techniques for increasing or reducing lip size and shape.


The results of surgical lip correction may include a permanent improvement in lip shape, size, or symmetry, providing patients with long-term satisfaction with their aesthetic appearance.


Surgical procedures always carry a certain risk of complications, so it is important to follow the surgeon's instructions before, during, and after the surgery to minimize the possibility of side effects and ensure the patient's optimal safety and recovery.


What is lip correction?

Lip correction is a cosmetic procedure designed to enhance the shape, size, symmetry, and overall appearance of the lips.

How is lip correction performed?

Lip correction can be performed using various techniques, including dermal fillers, fat transfer, and surgical procedures, depending on the desired outcome and individual preferences.

Who is a suitable candidate for lip correction?

Suitable candidates for lip correction are individuals seeking to improve the aesthetics of their lips. Good candidates should have realistic expectations and be in generally good health.

How long does lip correction recovery take?

Recovery time after lip correction varies based on the technique used. Swelling and bruising may occur, but they typically subside within a few days to a week.

Are lip correction results permanent?

The longevity of lip correction results depends on the chosen method. Dermal fillers usually last several months, while surgical procedures can provide longer-lasting outcomes.

Is lip correction painful?

Lip correction procedures are generally well-tolerated. Pain is usually minimal and can be managed with local anesthesia or numbing agents.

Can lip correction be customized to achieve natural-looking results?

Yes, skilled practitioners can tailor lip correction treatments to achieve natural and balanced results that complement the individual's facial features.

Are there any risks or complications associated with lip correction?

Like any cosmetic procedure, lip correction carries potential risks, such as infection, uneven results, or dissatisfaction. Choosing a qualified and experienced practitioner can help minimize these risks.

When can I resume normal activities after lip correction?

Most individuals can return to their normal activities within a few days after lip correction. Strenuous exercises and certain activities involving the lips may need to be avoided initially.

How do I determine the best approach for lip correction?

The optimal approach for lip correction depends on your desired outcomes, lip structure, and the recommendations of a skilled cosmetic professional. A consultation is essential to discuss options and create a personalized treatment plan.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator