Correction of crowded teeth

Starting from


Crowded teeth are a common dental phenomenon among teenagers as well as adults, which impairs proper chewing and smile aesthetics.

Teeth that grow out of their natural space and cross each other are in most cases caused by:
  • disproportion in the size of the jaws and teeth,
  • premature loss of milk teeth or
  • delayed extraction of milk teeth.

Correction of this type of bite can be done with all modern fixed braces, where self-ligating braces are especially recommended.

Correction of this type of anomaly can be done with all modern fixed braces, namely:
  • Classic metal braces,
  • Classic transparent braces,
  • Self-ligating metal brace,
  • Self-ligating transparent brace,
  • Invisible splints Invisalign.


Candidates for therapy are all persons over the age of 12 who have an aesthetic or functional deficiency.


Before placing the braces, the patient will take an x-ray of the jaw (orthopan) in the orthodontic center. By examining the bone structure, the course of therapy will be defined depending on the selected type of braces.


Placing braces is completely painless and takes an average of 30 minutes for all fixed braces. Depending on the type of braces, the average duration of therapy is between 12 and 18 months.


The ultimate goal of therapy is straight teeth and a harmonious relationship between the upper and lower jaw. The teeth of the upper jaw will be in front of the lower ones, thus enabling normal function and improved facial aesthetics.


At the end of the therapy, the patient will receive retention splints for stability. Splints are included in the price.

Treatment package

What is included in the price: - the therapy is conducted exclusively by an orthodontic specialist, - examination and consultation, - installation of locks, - all necessary controls and used material, - replacement of detached locks, - removing braces, - teeth cleaning and polishing, - cleaning tartar after removing braces, - fixed retention on both jaws, - personalized splint box, - creation of transparent splints (retainers) for stability after removing braces, - optional professional photo shoot in the photo studio after removing the braces as a memory of cooperation with us,


What causes teeth crowding?

Teeth crowding can be caused by genetics, loss of baby teeth, irregular bite, jaw or jawbone problems, and poor oral habits.

How are crowded teeth corrected?

Correcting crowded teeth usually involves using orthodontic devices such as braces or Invisalign, which gradually move the teeth into the correct position.

How long does the teeth correction process take?

The duration depends on the severity of the problem. In some cases, correcting teeth may take several months, while in others, it may take several years.

How often should I visit the orthodontist?

Regular visits to the orthodontist are usually needed every 4 to 6 weeks to monitor progress and adjust the treatment as necessary.

Are braces the only option for correcting crowded teeth?

Braces are not the only option. Invisalign, clear plastic aligners changed every two weeks, is also a popular alternative.

Does teeth correction hurt?

It's possible to experience some discomfort for a few days after getting braces or changing an Invisalign tray, but it's generally not severe. Pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort.

Can I wear braces if I have a nickel allergy?

People with a nickel allergy should discuss alternatives with the orthodontist, such as nickel-free braces or other orthodontic devices.

Can I correct my teeth if I'm an adult?

Yes, it's possible to correct teeth in adulthood. There are different options, including Invisalign, which is more discreet than traditional braces.

Are there risks or complications associated with teeth correction?

Teeth correction can sometimes result in side effects such as temporary changes in speech, discomfort, or oral cavity irritation. It's important to discuss potential risks and complications with the orthodontist before starting treatment.

How to maintain oral health during teeth correction?

Maintain good oral hygiene by brushing teeth, using dental floss, and visiting the dentist regularly. Orthodontic devices also need regular cleaning according to the orthodontist's instructions.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator