Ophthalmic blepharoplasty


Ophthalmic blepharoplasty, also known as eyelid surgery, is a cosmetic surgical procedure aimed at improving the appearance of the eyelids by removing excess skin, fat, or muscle.

Ophthalmic blepharoplasty is performed to address concerns such as droopy eyelids, puffy bags under the eyes, or excess skin that may impair vision. The procedure can rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes and provide a more youthful and refreshed look.


Candidates for ophthalmic blepharoplasty typically include individuals who have: Excess or sagging skin on the upper eyelids that may interfere with vision. Puffiness or bags under the eyes caused by protruding fat deposits. Drooping lower eyelids that expose the white of the eye below the iris. Overall dissatisfaction with the appearance of the eyelids and desire for improvement.


Before undergoing ophthalmic blepharoplasty, the doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye examination and evaluate the patient's medical history to ensure they are suitable candidates for the procedure. Preoperative preparation may include: Discussion of the surgical goals, potential risks, and expected outcomes. Instructions regarding fasting before surgery and any medications to be avoided. Consent for surgery and anesthesia.


The surgical procedures for ophthalmic blepharoplasty typically involve the following steps: Anesthesia: Local anesthesia with sedation or general anesthesia may be administered to ensure the patient's comfort during the procedure. Incisions: The surgeon makes precise incisions along the natural creases of the eyelids to minimize visible scarring. Tissue removal or repositioning: Excess skin, fat, or muscle is carefully removed or repositioned to achieve the desired eyelid contour. Closure: The incisions are closed with fine sutures to promote proper healing.


The outcomes of ophthalmic blepharoplasty are generally favorable, with many patients experiencing improvement in the appearance of their eyelids and a more youthful look. Results may vary depending on factors such as the patient's age, skin elasticity, and surgical technique used.


After surgery, patients should follow postoperative instructions provided by the surgeon, including proper wound care, use of prescribed medications, and activity restrictions. Swelling, bruising, and temporary changes in eyelid sensation are common after blepharoplasty and typically resolve within a few weeks. Patients should avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting during the initial recovery period to promote proper healing. Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor healing, evaluate surgical outcomes, and address any concerns or complications.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator