Examination for crosslinking

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Examination for crosslinking typically involves a comprehensive evaluation by an ophthalmologist or a corneal specialist. Here's what the examination process may involve:

  1. Medical History: The doctor will review your medical history, including any previous eye conditions, surgeries, or relevant medical conditions, such as keratoconus.

  2. Corneal Topography: This test measures the curvature of the cornea and identifies any irregularities that may indicate keratoconus or other corneal conditions.

  3. Pachymetry: Pachymetry measures the thickness of the cornea, which is essential for determining the candidacy and safety of crosslinking treatment.

  4. Visual Acuity Testing: This test evaluates your vision using an eye chart to determine the extent of any visual impairment caused by keratoconus.

  5. Slit Lamp Examination: The doctor will examine your eyes using a slit lamp microscope to assess the health of the cornea and look for any signs of keratoconus progression.

  6. Discussion of Treatment Options: Based on the examination findings, the doctor will discuss the treatment options available, including the potential benefits and risks of crosslinking.

  7. Preoperative Evaluation: If crosslinking is recommended, you may undergo additional preoperative evaluations to ensure you are a suitable candidate for the procedure.

  8. Informed Consent: The doctor will explain the crosslinking procedure in detail, including its purpose, expected outcomes, and potential complications, and obtain your informed consent before proceeding.

  9. Follow-up Plan: After the examination, the doctor will outline a follow-up plan, which may include regular monitoring of your corneal health and visual acuity post-crosslinking.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator