Epidural infiltration of the spine


Epidural infiltration is an interventional procedure performed in radiology to alleviate back and leg pain. This procedure typically involves a combination of corticosteroids and local anesthetics injected into the epidural space around the spinal nerves and roots to reduce inflammation and pain.


Candidates for epidural infiltration are usually individuals suffering from back and leg pain caused by conditions such as disc herniation, spinal stenosis, or nerve inflammation. Preparation for the procedure includes a review of the patient's medical history, discussion of medications being taken, and explanation of the procedure itself and potential complications.


Preparation for epidural infiltration typically involves the following steps: Medical history review: The doctor will review your medical history, including existing health issues, medications you are taking, and any previous procedures or surgeries. Discussion about medications: It's important to inform your doctor about all medications you are taking, including prescriptions and dietary supplements. Some types of medications, such as anticoagulants, may require adjustments before the procedure. Explanation of the procedure: The doctor will provide you with a detailed explanation of what to expect during epidural infiltration, including the steps of the procedure, possible side effects, and how to prepare for the procedure. Fasting: In some cases, the doctor may recommend not eating or drinking for a certain period before the procedure to reduce the risk of side effects such as nausea or vomiting during or after the procedure.


The treatment begins with the patient being positioned on the procedure table, after which a local anesthetic is applied to facilitate comfortable injection of the medication into the epidural space. Following the procedure, the patient is typically monitored for a short period before being discharged home.


The results of epidural infiltration may vary from patient to patient, but many notice a reduction in pain and improvement in function after the procedure. It is important to note that these results are not always permanent and may require repeated treatments.


Precautionary measures include monitoring for potential complications such as infection, allergic reactions, or nerve damage. It is also important for patients to follow their physician's instructions regarding activities after the procedure to avoid potential complications and ensure optimal healing.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator