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An electrocardiogram (ECG) is a non-invasive procedure that is carried out for the purpose of collecting data on the electrophysiology of the heart which enables a graphic representation of the electrical activity of the heartbeat. It indicates changes caused by heart defects or unregulated blood pressure and directs the course of further investigations.


An ECG is performed as part of an internist or cardiology examination, especially in the presence of chest pain, a feeling of irregular heartbeat, elevated blood pressure, and in the diagnosis and monitoring of coronary disease (angina, myocardial infarction).


During the cardiology examination, in addition to the newly recorded ECG, it is necessary to bring older ECG records, because by comparison it can be determined whether any existing changes in the ECG are older or new.


Recording is performed in a lying position. Six electrodes are placed precordially (in front of the heart) on the chest wall, and electrodes are placed on both arms and the left leg. An electrode that serves as grounding is usually connected to the right leg. Before the recording, you will relax the chest and the lower parts of the limbs. You must remain still during the recording.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator