Vitrification of Embryos and Oocytes


Storage of embryos and/or oocytes

Embryo vitrification is the process of storing surplus embryos and/or oocytes produced by the AR procedure for later use. Embryos are vitrified at -196 degrees. The freezing and thawing process is strictly controlled to prevent embryo damage or loss. Frozen embryos are stored in special laboratory containers placed in liquid nitrogen.

For each embryo, records are kept of its origin, the stage of division it is in, and the exact time and date of freezing.

Freezing embryos is now a common practice and a highly successful IVF technology. All embryos created in IVF culture can be frozen at any stage of development, but frozen oocytes can also be stored. This strategy has only become possible in recent years because freezing (vitrification) and FET results are as good or better than fresh ET.

Vitrification is a rapid freezing, a technology more successful than the earlier slow-freezing method.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator