Determination of oxidative stress in ejaculate


Our laboratory recommends checking the oxidative stress of ejaculation in men whose sperm concentration is less than 15 million/ml, men over 40 years of age, and smokers.

One of the leading causes of damage to DNA molecules and male infertility is the presence of reactive oxygen species (ROS, according to Reactive Oxygen Species), which can damage the sperm membrane, causing poor sperm motility and poorer fertilization. The ejaculate comprises several different cell types, such as mature and immature sperm, leukocytes, and epithelial cells. The two primary sources of ROS in the ejaculate are leukocytes (external source) and sperm (internal source). The internal source of ROS is associated with sperm changes such as DNA fragmentation.

  • Increased DNA fragmentation

Increased DNA fragmentation results in poor embryo development and miscarriage. ROS can damage the sperm membrane and cause poor sperm motility and poorer fertilization.

A common cause of oxidative stress is associated with environmental pollution, unhealthy lifestyles, and also certain medical conditions such as varicocele, spinal cord injury, and urogenital infections. The increased presence of ROS has been confirmed in men over 40 years of age.

  • Control of ejaculate oxidative stress

In keeping with advanced recommendations, our laboratory advises to check the oxidative stress of the ejaculate in men whose sperm concentration is less than 15 million/ml (OLIGOZOOSPERMIA) and whose proportion of progressively motile sperm is less than 32% (ASTHENOZOOSPERMIA) or whose morphology is less than 15% (TERATOZOOSPERMIA).

The oxidative status of the ejaculate should also be checked in patients over 40 years of age, smokers, and patients with varicocele.

In case of evidence of increased ejaculate oxidative stress, therapy with treatments that protect spermatogenesis cells from oxidative stress and are available in pharmacies is suggested.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator