Excochleation in dermatology

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Excision in dermatology is a procedure for removing skin lesions or abnormalities using a specialized instrument called an excisor. This procedure involves the mechanical scraping or cutting away of the top layer of the skin to eliminate unwanted changes, such as moles, keratoses, or other skin irregularities.


Candidates for excision in dermatology include individuals with unwanted skin lesions such as moles, keratoses, or other superficial skin changes.


Before excision, it is recommended to consult with a dermatologist for an evaluation of the skin changes and a discussion about expectations from the procedure. In some cases, avoiding certain medications before the treatment may be necessary.


During excision, the dermatologist uses an excisor or a similar instrument to scrape or remove the top layer of the skin along with the unwanted changes. The procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia.


After excision, the anticipated outcomes include the removal or reduction of unwanted skin changes, with an improvement in the aesthetic appearance of the skin. Complete healing may take several weeks.


Following the treatment, it is important to follow the dermatologist's instructions regarding skincare to prevent infections and ensure proper healing of the treated area. It is also important to avoid activities that might irritate or injure the treated skin.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator