Laser surgery for pilonidal sinus


Laser surgery for pilonidal sinus is used to treat pilonidal sinuses, which are chronic skin infections that typically occur in the area between the buttocks. It's important to emphasize that laser surgery for pilonidal sinus can be an effective option for certain patients, but the decision on the best treatment should be made in consultation with a surgeon, taking into account individual patient characteristics and the severity of their condition.


Candidates for laser surgery for pilonidal sinus are typically patients who suffer from chronic or recurrent pilonidal sinus infections that have not adequately responded to other treatment methods such as antibiotics or drainage procedures.


Before laser surgery for pilonidal sinus, patients will usually undergo a thorough examination to confirm the diagnosis and assess suitability for this type of treatment. This may involve a physical examination, analysis of medical history, as well as tests such as ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


During laser surgery for pilonidal sinus, laser energy is used to remove the affected tissue and promote healing. This technique can result in less tissue trauma and faster recovery compared to traditional surgical methods.


The results of laser surgery for pilonidal sinus may vary depending on the severity of the case and individual patient characteristics. In many cases, patients may notice a reduction in recurrence and better long-term outcomes compared to other treatment methods.


After laser surgery for pilonidal sinus, patients should follow their surgeon's instructions to ensure successful recovery. This may include applying special wound dressings, avoiding strain during healing, and regular monitoring to prevent recurrences.

Ivana, Patient Coordinator

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Ivana, ZagrebMed patient coordinator